tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post2786538916306554752..comments2011-06-02T15:10:37.495-07:00Comments on No Debt MBA: But don't take my word for it.... Getting an MBANo Debt MBAhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00652771193703317326[email protected]Blogger3125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-36773858931187278362011-06-02T15:10:04.415-07:002011-06-02T15:10:04.415-07:00MoneyInYour20s - I don't have an industry or c...MoneyInYour20s - I don't have an industry or career in mind yet. It's a big
reason I want to stay debt-free; I don't want student loan payments limiting my options. <br /><br
/>I actually started thinking about a twitter account when I noticed people coming in from there after
you tweeted my article (thanks by the way). Not sure yet since I don't know what I'd put on
it, but thinking about it.<br /><br /><br />Darren - Great point with Personal MBA. They've
got some great resources on their site and I think Kaufman definitely has a point that a motivated person
seeking the content of an MBA can totally DIY.<br /><br />I'm trying to read my way
through their book list (not making a lot of progress though) but still think that an MBA is relevant for me
for the networking, in-person classes, and career implications.
No Debt MBAhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00652771193703317326[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-91052802041411914062011-06-02T11:05:28.050-07:002011-06-02T11:05:28.050-07:00Hey there, Found you from a comment on the bargai...Hey there,<br /><br />Found you from a comment on the bargaineering.com blog.<br
/><br />In addition to the opinions above, there's also a site at personalmba.com.<br /><br
/>The idea behind the site is that you can educate yourself about business, WITHOUT going to business
skill and saving hundreds of thousands of dollars.<br /><br />I'm not affiliated with
the site, but I do like the idea behind it.<br /><br />Perhaps it's something you may be
interested in.
Darrenhttp://gainbusinessskills.com/[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-16754603849201863532011-06-02T10:14:16.842-07:002011-06-02T10:14:16.842-07:00Been enjoying your posts, thanks for sharing. I pl...Been enjoying your posts, thanks for sharing. I plan to get my MBA eventually, but I think
a lot of the value of the degree depends on what you want to do after. <br /><br />I was curious
if you have a post-MBA industry or career in mind?<br /><br />Also, have you considered starting
a nodebtMBA twitter account? It would make it a little easier to retweet some of your posts and there's
a great finance community on there.
MoneyInYour20shttps://twitter.com/#!/MoneyIn20s[email protected]