tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post4157395627507744152..comments2011-11-30T01:40:00.039-08:00Comments on No Debt MBA: Anyone here "wealthy"?No Debt MBAhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00652771193703317326[email protected]Blogger5125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-57302831104678524092011-11-30T01:40:00.039-08:002011-11-30T01:40:00.039-08:00Everyone has their own definition of wealth. It...Everyone has their own definition of wealth. It's how contented you are that
certified financial plannerhttp://heritagestrategies-llc.com/[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-89924282244225165892011-06-13T23:11:36.296-07:002011-06-13T23:11:36.296-07:00Interesting article. Guess I'm not wealthy ac...Interesting article. Guess I'm not wealthy according to the survey. However, my
definition of wealthy is having a positive state of mind, living every moment like it's your last
with no regrets, and having enough money to do what you want to do.
Buck Inspirehttp://buckinspire.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-71664755887217275042011-06-13T14:54:47.074-07:002011-06-13T14:54:47.074-07:00I like #3 - freedom to pursue your passion. That w...I like #3 - freedom to pursue your passion. That would be my definition as well. Actually,
pursue your passion while living a pretty comfortable life. ;)
retirebyfortyhttp://retireby40.org[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-60199954507844658422011-06-13T07:02:51.513-07:002011-06-13T07:02:51.513-07:00I agree with Shannyn, I don't think it's n...I agree with Shannyn, I don't think it's necessarily negative to find money
as an important or somewhat important measure of self-worth. Compensation is often tied to performance or
value added, and you want to feel you are being appropriately compensated for your work and the results you
deliver.<br /><br />To complete the wealth question: 'You know you’re wealthy when… you're
free to make impulsive decisions without affecting your financial situation."<br /><br />I
love traveling, so for me that would mean being able to plan a last minute trip, without having to put a big
dent on my savings or emergency fund.
Money In Your 20shttp://www.moneyinyour20s.com/[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-16828804983090829252011-06-12T08:44:05.824-07:002011-06-12T08:44:05.824-07:00No, I agree, the title is ridiculous...could you i...No, I agree, the title is ridiculous...could you imagine someone being like "I had
NO idea I was wealthy!" I think that only works the other way around...when you have no idea how
far behind you actually are! <br /><br />Well, I don't think it's sad though
that the people surveyed associated their net worth with their self worth- if you've worked for it,
it can be a measure of your success and efforts, but I hope it's not their ONLY measure since the
intangibles like friendships and family relationships are better indicators of worth in my opinion! <br /><br
/>It's great to find another grad student blogger out there! :)
Shannynhttp://www.frugalbeautiful.com[email protected]