tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post4548119648977757806..comments2011-07-29T05:40:43.920-07:00Comments on No Debt MBA: When buying in bulk doesn't make senseNo Debt MBAhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00652771193703317326[email protected]Blogger12125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-81497262267469277902011-07-29T05:40:43.920-07:002011-07-29T05:40:43.920-07:00<b>Bucksome</b> - Teenagers do eat like crazy! At...<b>Bucksome</b> - Teenagers do eat like crazy! At least you realized that you
needed to buy less - my parents are still struggling with buying less food than they used to. I think it's
in part because my dad can't pass up a "good deal". Drives my mom nuts.
No Debt MBAhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00652771193703317326[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-39295822480520567592011-07-28T01:50:17.385-07:002011-07-28T01:50:17.385-07:00We used to buy a lot of perishables in bulk becaus...We used to buy a lot of perishables in bulk because there were two teenagers in the home.
They're grown now and we've had to shift more grocery shopping from the big box stores to
regular grocery stores. It's painful sometimes to pay almost the same price for half the product,
but I can't stand to waste food!
Bucksomehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/08443494346413583267[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-82070031935996584432011-07-25T22:44:07.666-07:002011-07-25T22:44:07.666-07:00Buying perishable food in bulk is dangerous for th...Buying perishable food in bulk is dangerous for the budget! Sure, you pay less per item,
but you also run a risk of not using everything.<br /><br />Bought some mangoes in bulk
recently...price was great, but got sick of eating a mango (or two) each day for 3 days. After taking a
break for a few days, I found that the remaining ones were quite ripe and likely not good for long. It was a
good lesson on what not to buy in bulk, at least not unless everyone at home will eat something.<br /><br
/>Paper products, things that you'll use and won't go bad...that's fair game and
often a great purchase.
Squirrelershttp://squirrelers.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-40498455161381437832011-07-25T18:50:16.268-07:002011-07-25T18:50:16.268-07:00Another one... when it's not really a deal! C...Another one... when it's not really a deal! Costco's pretty good about
beating the competition, but sometimes Walmart and other "discount" stores end up charging
the same or more than other options, especially on the endcaps.
Darwin's Moneyhttp://www.darwinsmoney.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-80575822014431398742011-07-25T16:45:22.888-07:002011-07-25T16:45:22.888-07:00We do buy a few of our groceries in bulk, along wi...We do buy a few of our groceries in bulk, along with household items. But the groceries are
things that can either be frozen or that don't spoil. (Stuff like popcorn, sauces, soups, pasta.)
Jackiehttp://www.moneycrush.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-63191536064884744592011-07-25T16:23:57.284-07:002011-07-25T16:23:57.284-07:00Once I bought a half membership to Sam's Club ...Once I bought a half membership to Sam's Club and it just didn't pan out
for us (we have two in my household). What I do want to try to do is buy in bulk at grocery stores (in the
bulk bins)--will have to try it out and do a price comparison.
Amanda L Grossmanhttp://www.frugalconfessions.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-46694235293228409282011-07-25T16:23:11.163-07:002011-07-25T16:23:11.163-07:00I buy paper goods and laundry detergent in bulk - ...I buy paper goods and laundry detergent in bulk - like you said, they don't spoil.
As for food items, only canned and boxed bulk items for me; and only when they're on sale.
Perishables expire too quickly for just two people.
Little Househttp://www.littlehouseinthevalley.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-264781200101000642011-07-25T12:53:32.896-07:002011-07-25T12:53:32.896-07:00TP is pretty much the only thing we buy in bulk. :...TP is pretty much the only thing we buy in bulk. :)retirebyfortyhttp://retireby40.org[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-17552359505428572082011-07-25T10:34:18.976-07:002011-07-25T10:34:18.976-07:00We mainly buy household supplies--TP, paper towel...We mainly buy household supplies--TP, paper towels, toothbrushes, etc--in bulk.
Occasionally we'll buy food but it has to be something really good that we know we'll eat.
Other than that, we stay away from bulk. It usually winds up going to waste.
Janahttp://dailymoneyshot.blogspot.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-44673508245486234332011-07-25T09:17:15.084-07:002011-07-25T09:17:15.084-07:00Britney (one of our contributors over at TotallyMo...Britney (one of our contributors over at TotallyMoney) looked at this the other day
http://www.totallymoney.com/blogs/buying-wholesale-worthwhile/ <br /><br />Buying in bulk makes
sense for non-perishable items, for produce with a long shelf life and as long as you're not going
to be swimming in toilet rolls thanks to zero storage space.<br /><br />My boyfriend and I buy
cereals and rice in bulk as well as toiletries, but that's where it ends.
Harri @ TotallyMoneyhttp://www.totallymoney.com/blogs[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-85830878387567144882011-07-25T08:35:19.415-07:002011-07-25T08:35:19.415-07:00We buy in bulk but only when it works for us. We d...We buy in bulk but only when it works for us. We don't buy bulk stuff we don't
eat very often. It works well for things like nuts and seeds though. We eat a lot of these.
Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifterhttp://www.prairieecothrifter.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-23421246294861427292011-07-25T06:12:47.693-07:002011-07-25T06:12:47.693-07:00We actually do pretty good with the stuff we buy i...We actually do pretty good with the stuff we buy in bulk. If we've thrown anything
out it's probably because it got forgotten about versus not being able to use it all in time.
Money Beaglehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00699259132970415120[email protected]