tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post5210063686554146541..comments2011-08-18T14:10:23.068-07:00Comments on No Debt MBA: A support system can be key to financial successNo Debt MBAhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00652771193703317326[email protected]Blogger7125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-11911392473482253272011-08-18T14:10:23.068-07:002011-08-18T14:10:23.068-07:00It definitely makes a huge difference when you hav...It definitely makes a huge difference when you have people who are willing to support you.
My wife and I are confident that if we ever come across desperate times financially, we have people that
would be willing to take us in temporarily and help us get back on our feet.
Khaleef @ KNS Financialhttp://knsfinancial.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-48845472484022272442011-08-17T22:53:49.655-07:002011-08-17T22:53:49.655-07:00My mom has is a frugal shopper and always looking ...My mom has is a frugal shopper and always looking for ways to buy everyday needs in bulk.
Every time I go home, she stuffs a bag with all sorts of necessary items from kitchen sponges to soup to
dried mushroom. I've often wondered if similar arrangement can work with neighbors. For example, I
buy something in bulk from Costco and trade with my neighbor.
Jeenahttp://www.scriptinghappiness.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-28980305399844748432011-08-17T14:39:50.239-07:002011-08-17T14:39:50.239-07:00Social support is critical. I read somewhwere, may...Social support is critical. I read somewhwere, maybe Gladwell, that the people that are
extraordinarily successful do have amazing support networks that have enabled them to leap to stardom.<br
/><br />I also read somewhere that social awareness is critical to success. Slightly off-topic, but
observers can see how children interact at kindergarten and identify which ones are socially aware, and
connect with their peers. This is a strong indicator of how successful they will be in life.
Hunter @ Financially Consumedhttp://financiallyconsumed.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-16098132186118179412011-08-17T13:40:21.070-07:002011-08-17T13:40:21.070-07:00I feel I have an emotional support network, but im...I feel I have an emotional support network, but importantly I provide a support network for
my children.
krantcentshttp://www.krantcents.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-7270427877334903002011-08-17T13:05:28.811-07:002011-08-17T13:05:28.811-07:00(And maybe also embarrassment at not wanting peopl...(And maybe also embarrassment at not wanting people to see how bad things are
Jackiehttp://www.moneycrush.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-75288828248445604042011-08-17T13:05:01.454-07:002011-08-17T13:05:01.454-07:00I'm sure if I really needed help my family wou...I'm sure if I really needed help my family would do what they could -- if I asked.
But historically speaking at least I've been unlikely to ask. I think there's just this
sense of wanting to be able to handle things on your own.
Jackiehttp://www.moneycrush.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-47268701102052772532011-08-17T07:25:06.917-07:002011-08-17T07:25:06.917-07:00My family has always been more than incredibly sup...My family has always been more than incredibly supportive. However, I know of another
person who asked his dad for $80 for a book for college...and his dad would not help him out.
Super Frugalettehttp://superfrugalette.com[email protected]