tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post6666363875862324514..comments2011-07-05T09:27:56.858-07:00Comments on No Debt MBA: An ode to beansNo Debt MBAhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00652771193703317326[email protected]Blogger7125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-16270999228867940082011-07-05T09:27:56.858-07:002011-07-05T09:27:56.858-07:00I like beans, especially black beans and kidney be...I like beans, especially black beans and kidney beans with rice. They are a great source of
protein and soy beans contain "complete protein".
Susanhttp://www.thewhimsicalmusingsofsusan.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-65715539731211926662011-07-03T11:47:35.372-07:002011-07-03T11:47:35.372-07:00I love beans, especially for a quick meal, I usual...I love beans, especially for a quick meal, I usually just throw some beans and cheese in a
bowl, microwave it, and eat it with tortilla chips (although it would probably be cheaper to eat it in a
regular tortilla)<br /><br />There are also different levels of nutrition depending on what kind
of beans you go for, so it's worth checking out which ones give you the most bang for the bite-ful.
Kellenhttp://www.accountantbyday.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-7956990803273769642011-06-30T08:50:23.609-07:002011-06-30T08:50:23.609-07:00I roast my own soybeans! Just buy them raw, soak o...I roast my own soybeans! Just buy them raw, soak overnight, and bake in the oven.<br /><br
/>It's an easy to prepare and healthy snack!
Darrenhttp://gainbusinessskills.com/[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-20749931178176435452011-06-28T10:51:00.525-07:002011-06-28T10:51:00.525-07:00They're a good source of protein and fiber, an...They're a good source of protein and fiber, and are a great substitute for other
things that might be less healthy. As long as I can limit the amount of sodium from canned beans, it's
all good.<br /><br />You mentioned hummus...just bought some garlic hummus the other day that
was fantastic. It's a great way to enhance the flavor of a sandwich, maybe as a spread, instead of
cheese, mayo, and other unhealthy things.
Squirrelershttp://squirrelers.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-33866759264354187952011-06-28T05:34:28.184-07:002011-06-28T05:34:28.184-07:00I love beans. They are a great staple. I use bea...I love beans. <br /><br />They are a great staple. I use beans 2-3 times a week
in our meals.
Nikihttp://www.blogger.com/profile/03331985160772173912[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-59791927076847261082011-06-27T06:20:28.895-07:002011-06-27T06:20:28.895-07:00My daughter learned a healthy taco recipe in high ...My daughter learned a healthy taco recipe in high school health class that substituted
quite a bit of the hamburger for mashed and fried kidney beans. It ended up being pretty good.
cashflowmantrahttp://cashflowmantra.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-44113557004538366102011-06-27T05:44:12.279-07:002011-06-27T05:44:12.279-07:00My wife makes an awesome bean dish. I will have t...My wife makes an awesome bean dish. I will have to get the recipe from her and post it on
Money Beagle. It has won rave reviews!
Money Beaglehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00699259132970415120[email protected]