tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post7157022627823195839..comments2011-08-17T23:09:30.036-07:00Comments on No Debt MBA: I love the libraryNo Debt MBAhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/00652771193703317326[email protected]Blogger15125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-67949759405413744962011-08-17T23:09:30.036-07:002011-08-17T23:09:30.036-07:00I'm totally guilty of ordering books for years...I'm totally guilty of ordering books for years on Amazon. It's just so easy
to order everything you want in your pajamas and have it delivered to your front door. Recently, I
re-discovered our local library. I haven't gone since I was a kid and I was blown away by how nice
our local library is! I can even order books online and have it delivered to the local branch for $0.75. Can't
beat that.
Jeenahttp://www.scriptinghappiness.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-81061741294844189992011-08-14T17:41:55.938-07:002011-08-14T17:41:55.938-07:00Last summer I tutored a former student of mine and...Last summer I tutored a former student of mine and we used the local library. It was a
great, quiet place to meet. I love libraries.
Little Househttp://www.littlehouseinthevalley.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-54083382779975142142011-08-13T16:50:04.407-07:002011-08-13T16:50:04.407-07:00I loved the library but really haven't been to...I loved the library but really haven't been to one in a couple of years. I get free
and cheap books to review or on Kindle.
Bucksomehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/08443494346413583267[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-8337383532772907132011-08-13T16:29:27.556-07:002011-08-13T16:29:27.556-07:00I love the library as well! In college I worked in...I love the library as well! In college I worked in our library as a federal work study
student, and it was the best job ever. The only thing that stinks about libraries where I am is that they
(amazingly) are not open on Saturdays!!! That is so inconvenient!
Amanda L Grossmanhttp://www.frugalconfessions.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-7756326732554687502011-08-12T20:31:00.427-07:002011-08-12T20:31:00.427-07:00I love the library too! I remember the first time...I love the library too! I remember the first time I checked out a book. I lived in a
teeny-tiny town at the time, and the book mobile came by. (It wasn't big enough for a library.) I
was so amazed that I could pick out any book I wanted and they would just let me take it home to read.<br
/><br />As far as what services I take advantage of now, there's interlibrary loan (which
not that many people seem to know about), speakers and classes, a little art gallery, and books of course.
They also let you "check out" tickets to local attractions.
Jackiehttp://www.moneycrush.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-3692612943156654402011-08-12T10:54:44.226-07:002011-08-12T10:54:44.226-07:00Agreed. I wish my library had a greater collection...Agreed. I wish my library had a greater collection though, I always arrive a booksales with
a huge list of books to purchase because I can't get them at my local library.<br /><br />Once
in a while, I just spend a lot of time at Barnes and Noble to catch up on reading and standardized testing
James L (P2PNoob) @ Peerform Bloghttp://blog.peerform.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-74490448178292029682011-08-12T08:45:22.064-07:002011-08-12T08:45:22.064-07:00The local library is an awesome resource. It's...The local library is an awesome resource. It's a shame that local budgets under
pressure mean taking funding away from libraries. Local politicians are so short-sighted at times.
Hunter @ Financially Consumedhttp://financiallyconsumed.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-12832861553006255182011-08-11T20:51:11.762-07:002011-08-11T20:51:11.762-07:00My wife goes "into town" a lot more than...My wife goes "into town" a lot more than I do, and she uses the library
enough for both of us.
mbhunterhttp://www.mightybargainhunter.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-17906104285135730512011-08-11T06:02:20.092-07:002011-08-11T06:02:20.092-07:00I love the library...just got a notice in my inbox...I love the library...just got a notice in my inbox that the book I reserved is there. I don't
even have to look for it on the shelves, just swing in, self-scan it out and leave...5 mins tops!
Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-90563724013483331452011-08-11T05:59:53.367-07:002011-08-11T05:59:53.367-07:00We were brought up on the library and I love it. I...We were brought up on the library and I love it. I use it continually..as soon as someone
mentions a book on the internet I am looking at it in our library online catalogue and can even have it held
for me. The whole family uses it and we even trade books we are reading. It makes u a more rounded
person...when u know that it doesn't cost u anything to take out, u will read books from many other
fields and subjects.<br />LATE FEES: Put on yr agenda to check yr online acct for books due. Go every
week or every 2 weeks as a regular appt...ie mondays after gym swing by library. Set up a reminder notice on
your blackberry or send yrself an email with the due date in the subject line.
Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-13314957684961738482011-08-10T21:14:01.539-07:002011-08-10T21:14:01.539-07:00I don't use the library as nearly as I would l...I don't use the library as nearly as I would like to. I really need to go soon...
Michelle Parkerhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/01699594650305506763[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-40987070988412229002011-08-10T16:07:07.203-07:002011-08-10T16:07:07.203-07:00I've been a library patron/geek since I was a ...I've been a library patron/geek since I was a little kid. I've almost
always lived within walking distance to my local library - and I never cared if it was a little junky
library with minumum resources - there was/is always something good to read.<br /><br />How
about library science for your next career move?
Pat Chiappahttp://www.spiritusfinancial.com[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-30927212035748589772011-08-10T09:32:32.378-07:002011-08-10T09:32:32.378-07:00I don't think I'm capable of returning boo...I don't think I'm capable of returning books on time so I always end up
with late fees... ridiculously huge late fees. Its frustrating and stressful. I know I'm the only
one to blame but still I don't borrow books from the library anymore for that reason. Though, I do
love browsing the library and picking up a few books to look through while I'm there. But rarely do
I ever leave with anything anymore
Jenny Zhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/10128862683252481761[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-53002588412203217552011-08-10T06:48:36.982-07:002011-08-10T06:48:36.982-07:00Agreed! I used test prep materials while studying ...Agreed! I used test prep materials while studying for the GMAT, career books when figuring
out what to do with my life, weight loss, exercise and diet books to live a healthier lifestyle, and of
course the occasional beach read!
Daniellehttp://www.blogger.com/profile/15994635995641586748[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-1640294796027447349.post-37240038538143297312011-08-10T06:22:41.842-07:002011-08-10T06:22:41.842-07:00I totally agree and absolutely love the library! M...I totally agree and absolutely love the library! My local branch is just up the street from
my house, and it's great. Not only that, but it provides access to those that lack the resources to
just buy from Amazon, and acts as a community hub. I actually spent my high school years working in a public
library, so I'm a big fan.
MWhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/03553149161732015866[email protected]